Wednesday, February 21, 2018


This project is developed with help from YouTube and is open source. Anyone who likes to replicate feel free to do so. I know very little about programming, so copied most of the code. The idea is of my own and do take credit for that. Corrections accepted.

During my bicycle rides I have noticed that there is no indication to the bicycle rider about the approaching vehicle, unless have mirrors. So I am trying to make a system which will warn the vehicle driver and at the same time the bicycle rider, about the approaching vehicle.

This system will have some led lights which will blink at faster rate as the vehicle approaches the bicycle. These led lights will be fitted to the seat stay and one led will be fitted in such a way that the rider may notice it(on handle bar). I have used SMD 5050 RGB led.

To know about the approaching vehicle I used a ultrasonic sensor. It has a range of about 400cm or 4m. At its full range accuracy decreases, but serves the purpose. As the distance decreases led light starts blinking at faster rate.

I used Arduino nano (micro controller) to control the led light based on distance measured by sensor. Eventually I would switch to Arduino Mini Pro. Use PCB to solder all the components.

Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)

Arduino Nano
PCB with some connectors

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